We're really sorry... ...but this item is currently out of stock. Please add your email and we'll notify you if it becomes available again. Adding your email here also lets us know that this item is still in demand. Email Set of Upgraded Wooden Buildings for Power Grid (132 pcs) Set of Upgraded Wooden Buildings for Power Grid (132 pcs) 1 of 2 Enlarge This Power Grid building upgrade kit contains 22 of each of the 6 player colors. Each color also has a unique shape and painted design, to aid color-impaired players (and look neat!) The approximate size of each piece is 13.5mm wide x 10.55mm thick x 12.5mm tall.List Price: $35.00Price: $24.00 Out of Stock! [Get notified when back]N/Astock counted 1/25/24 - Karen. Also at this time there are 2 retailer packs listed. That is included in the total count. Limiting factor is the Blue but there are #2's that can be resorted.Tweet